Monday, July 5, 2010

my first.

I wrote… when it rained on me….

So I woudnt talk about the day in total..the day which began with a crick in the neck..and the sore throat that im used to after a season change..

Well im Bombay..or safer celluloid dreams in place…tinsel magic …mesmerizing..

Yes..all thts ok..

really ok..

nothing out of the world about looking for a place to sleep…a locality which is almost true to that hard earned family background ..that safe house, a place which does not make you feel like a destitute…

haha..they said..

well most did.. with a couple of prospective roommates..and a budget that almost made me feel like the king among them paupers.

.we finally decided on a not so modest locality…

st. john Baptist road..i was told..

woah back in my hometown..all I heard was the janak’s and the vikas’ puris christened as my residence …

much the cosmo change I wanted…


the house being in place..

minus a bed to sleep…


much loaded with the intoxicants to get you that high before you lay low..intact…


the place was sorted..


. introduced aakash Bhatia to them..and halleluah..

i had a house mate..trusting me with all his personal’s… his life ..

well the life in this city at the least…

so did i..i trusted each one of them..i had no option but to..

only hoping that no one evesdrops..

on my conversations with my girl..

or my happy time..

or them being that klepto that I feard always..

hmm.. so almost settled the boy is


except not

… so you I would like to believe..

being all posh and stuff about your area of residence along with it being monetarily easy on the ass.. means or applies you save money by taking that feared..or lets say conveniently despised..

the fact that you have that big nose with olfactory senses nothing less that that of a Rottweiler despite of a 22 year one nostril presence…

I felt bad for me..

Odour and me…not condusive..

but..tryning for a change in my lifestyle..or so quoted by the sperm donor of my father…” beta..its not easy there” I was was kicked..

anyway…I chose it…



over..nothing actually…

I was barely a graduate, the first divisions in my course helped me with nothing I wanted to do..except of course the opening my mind..blah blah..etc etc..

this was all I wanted..really…im a kid…

so you know the happiness of the same came..

the last day.. before I was leaving this town to go back my family roads..broad roads..

my girl…it had been 40 days without her todate.…

seemed like love..

it is infact…love..

i know the feeling…iv felt it before..


screw all that…

im here now..i have that place I wanted…not the ever so me..kind of roomies…

but they are super nice people nonetheless…

one gave up hair..and believes that’s what his atheist quotient is…one says he is an atheist..but is evr so scared to be open…but also is…non indulgent , kind…and all the nice things…if he ever reads this…

and the last one..”I have all the bad habits in the world..

whores..i do…

tobacco I chew…

alcohol my thing…smoke…since fifteen..”

he said…

not this creatively off course..

the room..

shopped for..i would have called it my house.. but since im not paying for the entire thing..

Rs6250 ..

which is Not too this geography..i feel I only deserve to call it my room..

my roomies don’t see it as reasonable..still…so says my judgementall not so poor but so cheap humored side..

…also im don’t judge them.

I shopped a bit..the regular stuff. The curtains..the mats..

my mum made me the haggling woman I am today..

so I was brilliant…or atleast i believed I was..

But this isn’t about everything Iv felt so far…

day enrolled to learn film a college..which is apparently prestigious…and has been rated at that topnotch spot by a magazine which is also..haha…prestigious..

So this is the fifth day…and im not much a football fan..but I chose to watch the most “it will be seen by the world” kind of a match…between a south American giant…and both of Hitler’s country combined…

I supported the latter..

This in a town..that is known for drowning in its own spit…well implying that the water logging fucks the city..

Oh faill I used a curse word..

my piece is suddenly not pg 13 material…it wasn’t anyway in the first plce…

im drunk out of my mind..with the cheapest booze that is allowed..and still im not paying a buck for it…add to that a the the Indian rice dish in store for free…its like oprah heard my wish..

Anyway…waka waka a not a football person..i pretend for the company and for the conversation…

So for the sake of the same I chose to come over to my best pals..

yes in my land your closest have to be called your best friend..

anyway more about all the royalty I have ..because of him later..

So for that that that sport…in which my country is ranked lower than a nation half the size of my family…I chose the walk of a lifetime…

I took a train..slower than that snail who never won any races.. and wasn’t even featured on the hare and tortoise story..for being slow …

and patient…

and stupid..

and fucked up..


After I got off the snails chest..

i chose to trust my feet…

mind you this story is about the rain…that was falling on my the famous song…and was falling on everyone elses head too… almost drowining them..


This city…saw a 26th an year back..

mad scene that was..…trust me…

Anyway that walk..

That walk….

Hmm… before I tell you more about it…I want to wish well for two guys…

1 who invented the head phones.

2 who invented the umbrella..

on second thoughts…the guy who wrote” so it is”

him too.. I love the song…

so this walk..

ok ,

lets see..

I ..

who hates the rains..

the monsoons…

the anything that clogs them roads..

the life..

or has prevented me from playing cricket as a kid…

hates the downpour …


and guess what …he chose the same make a bread..the same city

which drowned in its own garbage …a couple of years back..almost..

coming back to this walk…which could have been a normal cab ride…20 bucks or less on a normal day..

turned into.. “ the walk”

I jumped over the protective fence..

the road was empty..

so I wasn’t protecting me from much anyway…

after the first15 meters of walking…

I wasn’t carrying the god damn tape to give you a that clear measure you seek….for crying out loud..

so 15 – 20 meters down the road ..

I see the this hoard of people..


my friend..

were walking on water…


not like that crazy magician on that action channel…

these guys..the oh so their of oh so modest capacity…walked…like it was staple..


that water mind you was above my knee…I had a pull on my crotch..while I took each hold on to my shorts…grey to black…I had clinched my toes hard.. them toe muscles firmly placed around those slippers I stole from my cousin back home…

the spoilt me..

hope as the tattoo said…I hoped…

that I wouldn’t catch some foot disease like Achilles heel or something because this sure seemed like the Trojan war to me…the Trojan war I could have avoided had I not been stupid like paris…or even stupider with muscles like hector…or more so stupider like achillesss himself with lara croft herself..

each step under one of the best 100 rupeess iv spent…

that umbrella ..the opened umbrella..opened my mind to images…Images i could only capture in cerebral camera..

left foot..

an “omelet seller”..

ok so I don’t want to use the vernacular for the same…but pav omelet they would say..

flamed his stove..flamed it literally like it was the Olympic torch or something

and the flame burst out of the same like ..

it was..

a bomb blasting its ass off…


to my deep and ever so “ I see the depth in everything “ side…

seemed like fire retaliating against the 100 mm of water downpour..

the umbrellas knocking into their own kind as if…

Acknowledging the season that OPENS their horizons..

the splash of water…from the cab… leading to a stain or two on my green t

their was much more..


my abbrieated state wouldn’t permit me to articulate the same...this rain..atleast..

I survived..

i hated the rain..but I walked…only to reach to my royal friend’s humble abode… to see the Germans prevent Marradona from streaking his streets…

The joy of the clean water on my head..vis-a-vis the shower..was all the water I wanted..other than the water which diluted my alcohol for the night..

PS: I hope I have my feet tomorrow. Also…I don’t need that pedicure now.

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